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How to maintain mental health during epidemic prevention and control?

2022-11-30 08:41:37

In early winter, the epidemic recurred, not only threatening the public's physical health, but also affecting people's mental health。Harbin Technical SchoolRemind everyone to adjust their attitude and respond positively。

First, scientific protection。Do a good job of scientific basic protection is the premise, wear a mask, wash hands frequently, frequent ventilation, less gathering, one meter apart, strictly abide by protective measures, develop good living habits。

Harbin Technical School

The second is to calm the mind。The epidemic is like a "reverse spring cold", it is temporary, there is no need to panic too much, we should calm our mind, and look at the epidemic with a normal heart。

Harbin Technical School

The third is to face reality。The epidemic may have affected normal work and life, and we must face and accept this fact, accept the uncontrollable part, and change the controllable part of management。

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The fourth is to take it in stride。Everyone will face negative emotions, to cope with calmly, different people's inner needs, satisfaction is not the same。For example, medical workers who have been fighting on the front line for a long time can have a good rest, improve fatigue and reduce anxiety;Students of online courses need parents and teachers to guide correctly and arrange their time reasonably;People who are isolated and controlled can release their emotions by exercising, talking to someone, singing or writing down their confusion and worries。

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Fifth, positive thinking。Use positive thinking and positive attitude to deal with problems and things。Look to the bright side, and don't overlook the good around you, even in times of crisis。

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The sixth is to adjust behavior。In the face of major disasters and crises, everyone has a stress response。However, the human heart has a very strong self-healing ability, to promote a positive lifestyle, through relaxation training and other ways to adjust behavior。

Harbin Technical School

Website of this article:http://3mg.csnkwx.com/news/527.html

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